President-Elect (SUS), Councilor (SUS) and Board Member (SUSF)
Submit by December 4, 2020
SUS President-Elect and Councilor
Nomination Process:
The Society of University Surgeons (SUS) is seeking nominations for the positions of President-Elect and Councilor-at-Large for Scholarship. The purpose of the Society of University Surgeons is to support and advance leaders in Academic Surgery. Officers of the SUS have often been active participants in committees and are leaders in their institutions and in other national organizations. The officers of the society are elected by vote of the membership from a slate proposed by the Nominating Committee. The Nominating Committee is Chaired by the President-Elect and consists of members who are superannuating at the time of the annual Academic Surgical Congress (ASC) Business Meeting, who have attended 3 of the last 5 annual meetings, and who are present at the time of the meeting plus the President, President-Elect, the three immediate Past Presidents, the most recently appointed Councilor, and two at-large members who were elected by a vote of the membership. At the ASC, the Nominating Committee meets and develops the slate to put forward for member vote at the Business Meeting. Once presented, a call for nominations from the floor is entertained, and an open vote taken. The SUS is committed to diversity, equity and inclusion in its elected leadership.
President-Elect (2021-2022; President 2022-2023)
Councilor-at-Large for Scholarship (2021-2024)
Eligibility Criteria:
- Hold active membership in SUS
- Be able to attend twice yearly Executive Council meetings held during the ACS Clinical Congress and the Academic Surgical Congress
- Be able to attend the annual Executive Council retreat in June/July
- Per the SUS Constitution, Senior Members (age 55 or older) may not hold office. Therefore, members may not be of Senior Member age when nominated or attain Senior Member age prior to the conclusion of the term.
President-Elect Duties:
The President-Elect presides at any Council meetings in the absence of the President. The President-Elect Chairs the Nominating Committee and oversees the officer and member-at-large nomination process. They announce the nominees for appointed positions for ratification at that year’s Business Meeting. This position serves as a member of the Scholarship and Surgical Education Committees. The President-Elect participates in all ASC Core Group teleconferences as well as monthly SUS Executive teleconferences.
Councilor-at-Large for Scholarship Duties:
The Councilor-at-Large for Scholarship oversees the Resident Research Scholars, Junior Faculty, and Mid-Career Awards on an annual basis. The Councilor also oversees any additional grant award processes which may arise during the 3-year term. The awards process includes developing and facilitating marketing, testing and updating the online application systems, assigning reviewers and overseeing the grading process, working with award winners, tracking award updates, and working with the SUS, SUS Foundation, and industry sponsors. In addition, as the newest elected Councilor, this position will serve on the Nominating Committee in 2022.
Submission Process:
Members who are interested in an officer position must be in good standing and should submit their name, photo, current curriculum vitae (CV), and a cover letter detailing their contributions to the SUS to President-Elect and Nominating Committee Chair Dr. Kasper Wang ([email protected]) and Executive Director Ms. Yumi Hori ([email protected]). To check your membership status, contact the Member Services Department at [email protected]. Interested members should submit the above materials by Friday, December 4, 2020 at 12:00PM Pacific Time.
SUS Foundation Board Member
The SUS Foundation is seeking nominations for one new member of the Board of Directors.
As the philanthropic partner of the SUS, the SUS Foundation advances the mission of the SUS through charitable means that can include scholarships and awards for Residents, Junior Faculty, Mid-Career Faculty, and other surgeon-scientists. The goal of the Foundation is to support the education and advancement of academic surgeons.
Foundation Board members assist in determining the most strategic and effective way to financially support these awards and steward the philanthropic commitments of the SUS. The term of service for a Director is 3 years with the opportunity for a second term.
For a description of the responsibilities of the member of the Board of Directors and a list of eligibility criteria, see below.
Eligibility Criteria:
- Hold active or senior membership in SUS
- Be a supporter and advocate of the SUS Foundation and its mission
- Be able to attend and preside over at-least twice yearly SUS Foundation Board meetings held during ACS and ASC
Director Duties:
Directors advise and consent on issues related to the SUS Foundation. Board Directors are encouraged to earn support from other SUS members for fundraising initiatives. Current Directors will vote on nominees for new Board positions.
Submission Process:
Nominees should email their name and a one paragraph statement on why they would like to be a Foundation Board member to [email protected] by December 4, 2020. Review and selection of candidates will be made by the current Board of Directors of the Foundation in February 2021.