SUS Thanks ASC Program Chair Dr. Jayme Locke
The SUS would like to thank SUS Publications Chair and 2020 ASC Program Chair Jayme Locke, MD, MPH for her 2 years of dedicated service. During that time, the SUS Publications Committee and AAS Program Committee reviewed over 3500 abstracts (this year being the highest number of abstract submissions in ASC history). Dr. Locke, along with AAS Program Chair Dr. Carrie Lubitz, not only planned and oversaw the stellar programming, but also introduced several notable elements this year for the Congress including the new logo, the Robotic Olympics, and the combination of the Hot Topic and Committee Sessions. The SUS has benefited greatly from Dr. Locke’s sage advice regarding the role of the Publications Chair and Committee. We once again thank her for her diligence, innovation and enthusiasm and congratulate her on her success on the 2019 and 2020 Academic Surgical Congress.